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#1 EoR service provider for remote specialists

Swapp Agency - wroking remotely

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Swapp Agency, people talking

What we do

Global employment
made easy

We're dedicated to enabling remote workers to work for global companies, no matter where you are based in the world. Whether you are a free-roaming specialist, relocating, or working from your home country, we've got you covered. We handle the complexities of global salary payments, compliance, and employment benefits, enabling you to focus on what you do best.

Who are you?

Which character describes you best?


The Remote Specialist

Steve is a skilled professional who works for a company based outside the country he lives in. Swapp Agency is Steve's employment agency and hires him where he resides, ensuring his employment affairs and payments are handled effortlessly.

How does it works?

3 simple steps for


Receive a Proposal

Start with a clear understanding of your salary structure. In Swapp's proposal, you can see a salary breakdown estimate and this is your golden ticket to remote work!


Connect Swapp to your company

Connect Swapp to your CEO, HR, finance or any department in your company that handles international hirings, show them the proposal and Swapp Agency finalizes things with them.


Onboard with Swapp Agency

Your employment with us paves the way for hassle-free remote work with your company, making you a fully fledged employee in the country you live in.

See what our say

Swapp Agency expertise has made my international work experience hassle-free. I'm sothankful to have the opportunity to live where I want and work for whoever I want despite the location. My journey with Swapp Agency has been professional and outstanding.

Rakel Eva Sævarsdóttir

Director of global sustainability @ Aspiration Partners