
Cyber Security in Iceland

Cyber Security in Iceland

One of the main concerns in the 21st century has been cyber frauds and breach of privacy. Cyber attacks including serious breaches like banking frauds and leaking of essentially private documents have been some problems that have baffled many. These can be done by installing a virus into your system, hacking your computer to gain […]

Business to Business in Iceland B2B

Business to Business in Iceland B2B

Business to Business in Iceland B2B is hassle-free. The authorities know that handling business with expertise is very crucial for the promotion of local and foreign investment. The environment is conducive for a thriving business environment. Iceland’s ranking is really good among the top countries according to the report published by the World Bank.  Advantages […]

DeCODE Genetics – Decoding the human genome

Decode Genetics

deCODE genetics is one of the best-known companies in Iceland and a global leader in researching the human genome. It is a pharmaceutical company found in the year 1996 and is based in Reykjavik. They specialize in identifying, treating, and preventing diseases by studying the variations in the human genome related to general diseases. They […]

Remote Working in Iceland

Remote working Iceland

If there is one major lifestyle change that we have all gone through this year, it is the adaptation to the work from home or the remote working system. Remote work can be defined as a working style that allows professionals to work outside of a traditional office set up. It is location-independent and is […]



Þegar kemur að því að ráða nýtt starfsfólk eru æ fleiri fyrirtæki farin að útvista því verkefni og nýta sér þjónustu ráðningastofa. Velta starfsmanna er mismunandi eftir fyrirtækjum en öll leitast þau eftir að halda góðu starfsfólki sem allra lengst innan fyrirtækisins. Staðreyndin er sú að það er kostnaðarsamt að ráða nýtt starfsfólk og tekur […]