
Commercial Salmon Farms in Iceland

Fish farming in Iceland

While Iceland has thriving fishing and allied industries and is a leading exporter of fishing products, the salmon sea fish farming business is relatively new. This segment of the fishing industry went through a complete cycle of getting established and failing and making a comeback thanks to some companies from Norway. Even today there are […]

Sales Manager in Iceland

Sales Manager in Iceland

A sales manager’s function is very important to any business, small, medium, or large. It is only through the orders generated through the efforts of the sales manager that the business thrives. The management in most organizations therefore assigns a lot of importance to the process of selecting sales managers for their respective companies. In […]

Blockchain in Iceland

Blockchain in Iceland

Iceland has turned very attractive for the blockchain operators, mainly due to the abundance of power at economical rates. Electricity is very critical for blockchain since computers draw excessive power during operations. They get heated also in the process and Iceland’s naturally cold climate takes care of this as well. Blockchain is an activity aimed […]

Erlendir sérfræðingar


Í hnattvæddum heimi fer tækninni sífellt fram og ný vandamál koma upp sem krefjast lausna. Swapp agency hefur aðstoðað Íslenska sem erlenda sérfræðinga á sínu sviði við að flytjast heimshornanna á milli með góðum árangri. Í ljósi heimsfaraldurs, Covid-19, hefur vinnuumhverfi og vinnumenning breyst stórfenglega hjá mörgum árið 2020. Efnahagslífið krefur fyrirtæki og ríkisstjórnir til […]