
Buy art in Iceland

Buy Art in Iceland | Art Consultancy Services | Swapp Agency

Iceland’s art scene offers a rich and diverse landscape. From its north European and Scandinavian influences, to works of art that are deeply rooted in local tradition and mythology, Icelandic art is one of the pillars of national culture of the island. Iceland’s thriving art market is mostly centered in the several art galleries of […]

Fish farming in Iceland – A thriving tradition

Fish Farming in Iceland | Aquaculture Consultants | Swapp Agency

Aquaculture, better known as fish farming, has been a staple of Iceland’s economy since the 1950s. Today, thanks to scientific breakthroughs in fish breeding as well as a better understanding of the country’s own natural advantages, aquaculture has become a thriving industry which is expected to double in production in 2021. Keeping up with the […]

Film Production in Iceland

Film Production in Iceland | Film in Iceland | Swapp Agency

Iceland – An Ideal Place for Film Production The entertainment industry has come a long way from what it used to be some decades earlier. Location shooting for films has moved away from the studios to exotic locations. European countries, with their abundance of natural beauty, have identified the opportunity the industry offers by taking a few […]

Data Centers in Iceland

Data Centers in Iceland | Data Center Consulting | Swapp Agency

Iceland is one of the few countries in the world where nature and technology mix together to create the most optimal location for data centers. Iceland possesses a highly skilled workforce with experience in software development and IT technology. Coupled with the robust engineering sector that’s an integral part of the Icelandic economy, the country […]

Augmented staffing

Augmented Staffing | Staff Augmentation Consulting | Swapp Agency

Iceland’s unique economic, environmental and educational characteristics have provided her with a great number of engineers and technology developers which can enrich your staff with the talents your projects require. Thanks to modern technology, staff augmentation has become one of the leading models of outsourcing in the world, providing your company with the required abilities […]

Shelf Companies

Shelf company in Iceland | Swapp Agency - Start a Business in Iceland!

Shelf companies are sought after for a number of reasons. It helps speed up the process of setting up new companies, as well as allowing better access to commercial credit and loans. However, setting up, maintaining and purchasing shelf companies can often be a confusing business and requires careful consulting. Iceland is the 13th country […]