
Greenhouses in Iceland

Greenhouses in Iceland | Agriculture in Iceland | Swapp Agency

Greenhouses in Iceland Sometimes Mother Nature gives back what it takes away with positive results all round. Iceland’s cold weather has an adverse impact on its agriculture since crops need warm soil to grow. The geothermal energy available in the country comes to the rescue for the farming community and they have developed greenhouses in […]

Life Science in Iceland

Life Science in Iceland | Life Science Investment | Swapp Agency

Among the many sectors in Iceland that have seen rapid progress in the recent years, the life sciences sector sees the most growth. This is a relatively new branch of the industry and includes areas like biotechnology and health sciences. Again, heal science is the broad term that includes medical devices, pharmaceutical products and health […]

Embassy in Iceland

Embassy in Iceland Reykjavík | Visit Iceland | Embassy of Iceland

Iceland is a small nation but has diplomatic relations with most other countries in the world establishing its embassies and consulates there. In return, other countries operate their embassies to Iceland in the capital Reykjavik and many only have a consulate. In terms of the absolute numbers, there are 16 embassies and 208 consulates established […]

Merging Companies in Iceland

Merging Companies in Iceland | Swapp Agency

Businesses keep changing hands. On many occasions, a company would acquire another company in the same line of business to strengthen its hold on the market. The two companies may merge. These are likely to be friendly mergers where the management of both the companies agree to the merger and go through with the formalities. […]

Energy Consultant in Iceland

Energy Consultant in Iceland | Renewable Energy Sector Iceland!

Energy is a key sector of the economy in Iceland. The country adopted, very early, the ways to generate and consume clean energy and reduce the dependence on fossil fuels. The country’s natural resources ensured that these efforts were successful. Geothermal energy is a major energy source apart from the hydroelectric power that is produced […]

Accounting in Iceland

Accounting in Iceland | Business or Accounting Laws & Regulations

Iceland has adopted the regulations stipulated in the European IAS/IFRS for reporting purposes. Iceland is a member of the European Economic Area (EEA). These Internal Audit Services (IAS) and International Financial Reporting Services (IFRS) regulations are meant to streamline the way businesses report their financials. Every organized economy must have these sets of rules and […]

Wellness in Iceland

Wellness in Iceland | Wellness Adventures Iceland | Swapp Agency

The government in Iceland is taking various steps over the years to boost the country’s economy. One of them is to look at Iceland as a tourist destination. Iceland has a beautiful and natural landscape and the people are very friendly. The local population enjoys complete freedom and support systems are in place at the […]

Pharmaceuticals in Iceland

Pharmaceutical in Iceland | Pharmaceutical Consulting Services

Iceland has been focusing on developing its economy with all sectors participating. It’s a small nation with a limited population and more limited resources. Healthcare and pharmaceuticals form a key sector in the country’s economy. There are several global and European leaders in the pharmaceutical industry with their manufacturing facility in Iceland. They have also […]

Companies for Sale in Iceland

Companies for Sale in Iceland | Invest in Iceland | Swapp Agency

In any rapidly growing economy, businesses will be opened with a lot of fanfare and then may have to close soon. It’s a highly competitive market out there and only the fittest and the smartest survive. Iceland provides the best environment for entrepreneurs to display their business acumen. The process of setting up a business […]

Ecommerce in Iceland

Ecommerce in Iceland | Ecommerce Industry Growth | Swapp Agency

Iceland may appear to be a small country with its population not more than a third of a million. However, the country has embraced the latest advancements in technology. Internet penetration, for example, is close to 100%. This has paved the way for Ecommerce in Iceland in a big way. There are several underlying reasons […]