Buy Art in Iceland | Art Consultancy Services | Swapp Agency

Buy art in Iceland

Iceland’s art scene offers a rich and diverse landscape. From its north European and Scandinavian influences, to works of art that are deeply rooted in local tradition and mythology, Icelandic art is one of the pillars of national culture of the island. Iceland’s thriving art market is mostly centered in the several art galleries of the capital city of Reykjavík. Swapp Agency will be able to guide you throughout the process to buy art in Iceland, getting in contact with art galleries and contemporary Icelandic artists, as well as with any other inquiry you may have on the subject.

Finding riches in the Icelandic art market

Iceland’s art history is rich in different styles and movements. The country’s unique landscapes serves as muses for the various modern artists which became famous both in Europe and in the World at large. Landscape art is especially important in Icelandic history as it contributed to build the sense of nation which lead to independence movements in the island. It is no wonder then that landscapes remains a staple of the country’s artistic production, and is one of the common themes of the exhibitions at its national gallery.

Buy art in Iceland

During the second half of the twentieth century, great works of abstract and figurative art were being produced in the island. This paved the way for the present diversity of style and subject matter the Icelandic art scene enjoys.

The main platform for Icelandic visual art is the Icelandic Art Center. Founded in 2005, this platform helps local artists to gain visibility in international markets and the international art circuit. The IAC helps support local artists through grants, collaborations and projects, as well as facilitating partnerships and international collaborations. It also helps organize events, both at the local level and internationally. To buy art in Iceland it´s better to have local knowledge as the art world tends to be hidden from the current mainstream and trends.

About 760 artists in the country are registered with The Association of Icelandic Artists. This association, founded in 1982, helps local artists by improving their work conditions and environment. The association helps artists to acquire or rent work studios as well as accommodation in three residencies for artists. They also organise various projects for government’s agencies. It is the largest artist association in the country.

Reykjavík, the cosmopolitan capital of Iceland, is also the capital of art in Iceland. Any prospective buyer of art should do well to familiarise themselves with the city. The city has recently gone through a resurgence of its art galleries, and the art market in the capital is more thriving than ever before. With the proper consulting services to advice you, a trip through the many and varied galleries can be matched with trips in famous art cities in Europe. If you want to buy art in Iceland, knowing the right people is the key.

Buy art in Iceland

Get in touch with Icelandic professionals

To have an extensive consultancy on the Icelandic art market, contact Swapp Agency. We are a leading group of experts in diverse fields. Our professional team will be happy to assist you throughout the process of purchasing art in Iceland and providing advice on any matter relating to Icelandic art. Regardless of the area or industry, we are prepared to solve all your inquiries.